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Cannabis Key to Mastering Lucid Dreaming?

Ever thought about taking charge of your dreams and going deep into the subconscious mind? Well, lucid dreaming, referred to as being aware of one’s dream and maybe even controlling this state, is something that interests many. But can cannabis help you enter into such a state more easily? Let’s dive into the relation between cannabis and lucid dreaming.

Chris Dorcey
Inheal Editor
Post date
Time to read
5 mins 53 secs
Cannabis for Lucid Dreaming

Key Takeaways

  • Lucid dreaming is being able to be aware that one is dreaming and having, to some degree, control over the actions occurring within the dream.
  • Although cannabis usually suppresses REM sleep, smaller doses have an invigorating effect on the vividness and memory of dreams.
  • Some lucid dreamers have mentioned that cannabis can help in dream work, especially the CBD-rich kind. Still, it affects everyone very differently.
  • Carefully use cannabis as a part of a broader practice in lucid dreaming while being cautious regarding dosage, timing, and possible risks.
  • More research is required in order to get the exact links between cannabis lucid dreaming and overall sleep quality.

What is Lucid Dreaming?

Basically, lucid dreaming is when a person is aware that he is dreaming while he is asleep. He might also be able to control parts of the dream, like the characters, setting, or plot. It’s like being the director of your personal movie of a dream.

Lucid dreams can be very vivid and feel almost as real as waking life. Some learn lucid dreaming as a means of problem-solving or creativity, others for self-discovery, or simply because it is fun.

How Cannabis Interacts with the Science of Dreams

In order to understand how cannabis might affect lucid dreaming, it’s helpful to know a little about the science of sleep and dreams. We cycle through different stages of sleep throughout the night, including REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is when most of the actual dreaming occurs.

Cannabis acts on the endocannabinoid system in the brain, which takes part in the regulation of sleep. THC is the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis and has been shown to suppress REM sleep at high doses. This might lead one to speculate that you, on the whole, dream less when using cannabis.

However, some research indicates that cannabis use, particularly the CBD-rich types, increases the intensity of dreams and produces more memory of those dreams when it is used occasionally or in low dosage. This, therefore, helps the individual to know that they are dreaming and, therefore, become lucid.

History of Cannabis and Dreaming

Cannabis has been used for millennia across various cultures for its effects on sleep and dreaming. In ancient India, for instance, cannabis was considered a holy plant smoked during religious rituals for the purpose of enhancing dream states.

The Rastafari culture of Jamaica also has a long history of applying cannabis for spiritual purposes, including the researching of dreams and visions. This can be where cannabis helps to open the mind towards divine wisdom and insight.

In more recent times, many artists, musicians, and writers have reported using cannabis for creative inspiration and as a means to access deeper states of consciousness, including lucid dreaming.

Techniques for Cannabis-Assisted Lucid Dreaming

If you’re interested in dabbling with cannabis for lucid dreaming, here are a few techniques to try:

  • Set an intention: Before consuming cannabis, be very clear about the intention to have a lucid dream. As one starts falling asleep, remind oneself about this intention.
  • Reality checking At regular, day time intervals, cultivate a habit to check if you are dreaming. You can do this by jumping up to see if you float or looking down at your hands to see if they appear normal. If you check regularly, you’re more likely to do it while you’re dreaming and thus become aware that you are dreaming.
  • Dream Journaling Recording the details of your dreams the moment you wake up will help your brain remember the details, and you can then recognize dream signs more easily.
  • Used in Combination As with cannabis, it is not effective on its own; however, it works well in combination with other techniques such as WBTB, WBTB, or MILD.

Start with a low dose and see how you react for yourself. Observe your response and adjust the dose accordingly.

Anecdotal Reports and Experiences

Regular users of cannabis claim to have much more vivid and memorable dreams, especially once they stop using it regularly. Here are a few anecdotal accounts:

“I find that smoking a pure sativa a few hours before bed really brings out some of the most amazingly vivid dreams. Sometimes, I get so lucid that I even fly or change the course of the dream. It’s amazing.”—Sarah L.

“I took a tolerance break from cannabis for a month, and the dreams came flooding back. The dreams were so intense and realistic. I started keeping a dream journal and working on techniques in lucid dreaming. Cannabis definitely seems to affect my dream life.”.

“I take a CBD tincture before going to bed, and I feel like it enhances the memory of the dreams. I don’t always become really lucid, but I often am aware on some level that I’m dreaming. A very subtle, yet very notable, effect.”—Jessica R.

Obviously, everyone’s experiences vary greatly, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s about the individual finding what works best.

Catastrophic Risks and Considerations

While generally safe, cannabis use does come with some risks, especially with long-term heavy use. These may include:

  • Dependence or addiction
  • Short-term memory and attention impairment
  • Increased anxiety or paranoia in some people
  • Lung irritation from smoking (vaping or edibles avoid this)
  • Interactions with certain medications
  • Impaired driving and other safety risks

It’s important to use cannabis responsibly: be aware of the laws in your area and talk to your doctor in case of certain health concerns. Avoid use if pregnant, breastfeeding, or with a history of psychosis.

The Future of Cannabis and Lucid Dreaming Research

As much as such anecdotal reports of cannabis and improved lucid dreaming could be stimulating, a study that fully explains the relationship is essential. Some areas of study that could show some promise in the future include:

  • The effects of different cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) on sleep stages and dream content
  • Possible therapeutic potential of cannabis in the treatment of nightmares or sleep-related disturbances in PTSD
  • Cannabis used in combination with other methods of induction of lucid dreaming
  • Chronic cannabis use and sleep quality/dream recall

As cannabis legalization becomes more widespread, with less associated stigma, researchers will have further opportunities to drill down on these questions through the fascinating intersection of cannabis consciousness and the dreaming mind.


The relationship between cannabis and lucid dreaming is quite complex and interesting. While some people reported extraordinary dream-enhancing effects from cannabis, for some others, it could disrupt sleep or suppress dreams altogether.

Ultimately, it seems the key lies in using cannabis in a mindful and moderate way as part of a holistic approach toward sleep and dream exploration: intending, keeping a dream journal, doing reality checks, and experimenting with different strains and doses to find what really works for you.

One must also recall that cannabis is not a magic bullet when speaking about lucid dreaming. On the other hand, it may definitely help some people get into this state more easily, but the actual power lies within training one’s mind and cultivating awareness during wakefulness and in one’s dreams.

As with any substance, it is important to use cannabis in moderation, be aware of potential risks, and listen to one’s own body and mind. If you’re concerned about the ways in which cannabis might be impacting your ability to sleep or your overall health, don’t hesitate speaking with a healthcare professional.

Carefully, however, cannabis could be just what one needs to explore that amazing landscape of your dreams. So why not give it a shot? With a little practice and just a little help from this ancient plant ally, maybe you can literally step into an all-new world of nocturnal adventures.

Sweet dreams!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it safe to use cannabis for lucid dreaming?

    Cannabis is generally quite safe but does have some risks associated with heavy and long-term use. Always use responsibly, and consult your doctor in case of health concerns.

  • What kind of cannabis works best for lucid dreaming?

    Some lucid dreamers like CBD-rich strains to help them have vivid dreams that are not accompanied by grogginess. However, results vary widely due to individual experiences, and you may want to do further careful experimentation to find what really works best for you.

  • How often should cannabis be used to have the best effects on enhancing dreams?

    An occasional dose appears to produce more positive effects on dreaming than night after night, which actually may suppress them. Everyone's 'sweet spot' is different.

  • Can cannabis cause nightmares or sleep disturbances?

    High dosages of THC can cause vivid, at times disturbing dreams, and it is known to disrupt sleep, especially REM sleep. Use with caution and adjust as needed.

  • How does cannabis help in having lucid dreams?

    No, Cannabis is not a requirement to have a lucid dream. Many people have them without it using techniques like reality checking, dream journaling, and meditation. Cannabis is just one of the tools that might be used.


The statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated statements contained within the blog. Information on this website or in any materials or communications from Inheal is for educational/informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions, correct dosage or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

by Chris Dorcey

A connoisseur of cannabis creativity and true contemplation with more than 20 years of experience, Chris extracts deep thoughts from getting lightly baked and shares his wandering mind. He blends cuisine and cannabis culture into nutritious, delicious recipes and insights for other hemp lovers.